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Our online algorithms can predict your home’s current value with far greater accuracy by collecting market data from multiple trusted sources and connecting you with a licensed Realtor to verify the accuracy.
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Outside of providing a place for your family to live, your home is an important part of your financial plan, too.
Here’s why it matters:
Over time, your home should theoretically increase in value. When your home increases in value, your net worth increases. If you sell your home later, you will make money on your investment.
“If you are within 3 years of selling your home, you will want to keep tabs on the value and the real estate market in hopes that you can sell at an opportunistic time,” says Jose V. Sanchez, financial advisor and contributor to
This is especially true if you ever wind up borrowing against your home’s value. If the value of your home increases significantly, you’ll have a lot more leeway when it comes to taking out a home equity line of credit, or HELOC to pay for expenses like a remodel, a car or education for your kids.
Finally, knowing your home’s value can be important when it comes to estate and elder law care planning as well, notes Joseph A. Carbone, Jr., CFP Founder and Wealth Advisor of Focus Planning Group.
“Keeping an eye on the market value and property tax assessment value is important so that you’re not paying tax on an artificially inflated property value by mistake, or vice versa,” says Minnesota Financial Advisor Jamie Pomeroy.
Don’t overlook the fact that knowing the value of your home is critical to making sure you have enough homeowners insurance coverage.
Whether you just prefer a friendly voice or need more information, our licensed realtor is ready to guide you.
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